Team Member Spotlight | Tabitha Ochoa
LenderClose team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness.
LenderClose team members come from many different backgrounds and constantly find ways to spark greatness. The Team Member Spotlight series highlights one of our team members each month. This month, the spotlight is on Tabitha Ochoa, Product Discovery Manager, who has been at LenderClose since March 2020.
If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be and why?
Detective – I get to solve problems by looking for new solutions with new or existing vendors. I then get to see the success of those solutions by collaborating with our clients to ensure all of their pain points have been alleviated.
What is something in the lending industry that you want to fix?
There is so much, but top of mind is time. Who wants to wait for processes when automation is available?
What credentials/past experience prepared you for working in your position?
I’ve been involved in the lending industry in some manner or fashion since 2008. Historical and even some current efforts in borrower verifications, MISMO, the MBA, and more have enhanced the network of possibilities that lay the groundwork for what the future holds with my role here at LenderClose.
What do you enjoy about the work you do?
I get to solve problems. All day, every day. What is not to love about that?! The problems I solve impact our vendors, clients, and the borrowers. I get to make a difference in everything I do, and that's so fulfilling to me.
What hobbies, volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?
I love to cook and experiment with new recipes. We also love to go camping, and I enjoy the challenge of cooking over an open fire and often look for new and inventive recipes to try specifically when camping. I also have four very photogenic kiddos, whom I love to take photos of - especially while camping!