Tech Talk: It's Time to Build Tech Team Culture Differently

LenderClose has ambitious goals for putting leading-edge, tech-powered lending solutions at the fingertips of community financial institutions.

February 15, 2021
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Let me get right to the important part. LenderClose is building out its tech team in a major way and looking to hire a significant number of developers and technologists in 2021.

Spreading the word is one of my goals, but more importantly, I want to connect with the right people. (More on that to follow.)

We aren’t taking a “butts in seats” approach to growth. Yes, we’re a rapidly growing company and sure, we could continue a fine trajectory with more people to follow orders and manage tasks. Which is what a lot of tech jobs are like. I’ve worked in plenty myself, and it wasn’t very satisfying.

But, if like me, you’d like to be empowered to contribute more, I’d like to paint a picture of what a more inspiring tech culture can look like. If you’re a good fit for our team, here’s where we’ll have alignment.

Our Company Purpose

LenderClose has ambitious goals for putting leading-edge, tech-powered lending solutions at the fingertips of community financial institutions. We can only do this continuously by innovating and iterating our technology so that our value proposition is without question and using our lending platform is an absolute “no-brainer” for lenders.

But, our path to crush those goals is not driven from the top down. It comes to life through collaborative product teams that bring together tech, sales, marketing, and analytics personnel in close-knit units with the ability to make decisions. We know that no one person can corner the market on great ideas, and so, we want tech team members to participate in conversations about where the company should be going, and how to deliver the future in the most elegant way.

The Tech Team Culture at LenderClose

If you are someone with an entrepreneurial spirit who has never worked in a start-up environment, you will be in for a treat. Here are the hallmarks of the technology culture we’re fostering.

Empowering.  We want to put smart, talented people in an environment that doesn’t limit their ability or willingness to bring forth new solutions. You can make a case for where and how we can create more value and then be enabled to pursue it.

Democratic.  We are serious about giving team members a say in where the company goes. You have a voice and are encouraged to offer your opinions, especially differing ones. You can expect our CEO, Omar, to reach out directly to ask how you’re doing and get your thoughts on key initiatives – and he genuinely wants to hear from you.

Collaborative.  I believe one of the greatest assets we can offer is the opportunity to work closely with smart people in a very collaborative way. We’re looking for people who share a “better together” mindset that fosters positive interactions and respect.

What’s A Good Tech Team Member Made Of?

Curious. We are looking for smart people, but not people who know everything. In fact, we think people who firmly believe they don’t know everything and are inspired by, and curious about, new things are a really great fit for our company.

Forward-Looking.  Do you like thinking about “what’s next?” Do you get excited about the idea of giving customers what they need … before they even know they need it? We’re looking for people who can firmly grasp the customer POV and anticipate the features they will absolutely love.

Able to Fail Fast and Often.  We know that failure is a part of pushing the envelope and trying new things. We don’t want you to get hung up on it. Our motto is “fail well, and move on easily.” We’re looking for team members to ideate, test, iterate and become comfortable with giving and receiving constructive feedback along the way.

My goal is to create the tech culture at LenderClose I wished for during the course of my career. We know this may not speak to everyone, and that’s OK. But to those who’ve read this far and feel a little inspired or excited? I’d love to meet you. A casual conversation can be a great starting point, and I’m looking forward to having a lot of them this year. The invitation is open – just send over an email to

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